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David Crisafulli MP

Crisafulli Ministry unveiled as Cabinet gets to work

The Crisafulli Government is ready to deliver a Fresh Start for Queensland, with the Premier today unveiling a Ministry focused on addressing the key challenges of youth crime, health, housing and cost of living.

In a Queensland-first, new ministries will empower the Government to provide targeted frontline support to Queenslanders including Victim Support, Home Ownership, Customer Services, Open Data, and Integrity.

Cabinet will consist of an experienced and capable team that has led for the past four years and is ready to hit the ground running, delivering the Right Plan for Queensland 's Future.

Premier David Crisafulli said the Ministry would be instrumental in implementing a Fresh Start for Queensland, including:

  • Safety where you live.
  • Health services when you need them.
  • Respect for your money.
  • A place to call home.
  • A government that works for you.

“Queenslanders have entrusted us to deliver a Fresh Start for Queensland, ending the crises in youth crime, health, housing, and cost of living, and that 's what we 'll do with Ministers starting work today,” Premier Crisafulli said.

“This ministry puts community safety front and centre of government, with Laura Gerber in Youth Justice and Victim Support, Dan Purdie in Police, Deb Frecklington as Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, and Amanda Camm as Minister for Child Safety and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence.

“These Ministers will have a laser-like focus on restoring safety where you live and reducing the number of Queenslanders falling victim to crime.”

Mr Crisafulli said cost of living, housing, and health would also be priorities for the Cabinet.

“We will deliver a place to call home for more Queenslanders, with a new Home Ownership portfolio under the Treasurer 's oversight to open the door to a first home for more young Queenslanders,” he said.

“We will diagnose, treat, and cure the ailments of our health system, including reducing ambulance ramping below 30% and stabilising wait lists, and I 'm confident we can do so with the experience and guidance of Tim Nicholls as Health Minister.

“Tim will take over from Ros Bates who, having requested a new challenge after the relentless prosecution of health for two terms, has been promoted into the Ministry of Finance, Trade, Employment and Training where she will help lead the charge on securing opportunities for investment and jobs.

“Treasurer David Janetzki will also take on responsibility for Energy, as a key opportunity to ease energy costs, but also to deliver on the commitment for smaller, achievable pumped-hydro projects to secure our energy future.”

Readying Queensland for the Games and creating a 20-year tourism plan for the state would also be priorities for Cabinet.

“By bringing together Tourism and Environment under the one portfolio with an experienced Minister in Andrew Powell, we will overcome the roadblocks that have stood in the way of Queensland benefitting from important new eco-tourism opportunities,” he said.

“Whilst I had intended to keep the Tourism portfolio, it has been evident during Machinery of Government discussions that only by bringing together Environment and Tourism will we realise the full potential of eco-tourism opportunities for Queensland.

“As Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, as part of the Sport ministry, Tim Mander will ensure every Queenslander can benefit from world-class sports and benefit from the Games ' legacy.”

Queenslanders will also benefit from a fresh approach to business with government, with the creation of Customer Services and Open Data ministries.

“A new Customer Service and Open Data portfolio, joined with Small and Family Business, will streamline government services for Queenslanders and small businesses,” he said.

“By separating out from Transport and Main Roads, it will allow Customer Service to stretch across every arm of government and deliver Australia 's most customer service focused government.

“By bolstering the Attorney-General portfolio with an Integrity ministry, under the leadership of Deb Frecklington, we will restore integrity to government for all Queenslanders.”

Mr Crisafulli said his team of 20 leaders would deliver a Fresh Start for Queensland.

“This team of 19 Ministers and the Leader of the House are the ones who have diligently and relentlessly exposed why our state needs a Fresh Start, over the past four years,” he said.

“As Leader of the House, Dr Christian Rowan 's calm and measured demeanour and his respect across the floor of Parliament, will enable him to drive the Government 's agenda of a Fresh Start.

“I promised Queenslanders the same experienced faces who have been fighting for a Fresh Start for Queensland would be the same ones to deliver it.

“This stability and continuity will be a central driving force in allowing us to end the chaos and crisis that has beset Queensland for too long under the former Government.”